Long Island, a Vacation Fun Paradise

You get to Stella Maris on Long Island after a 60 minute flight from Nassau 7 days a week.

The island is intersected by the Tropic of Cancer, providing weather conditions most enjoyable all year round.

Its 4000 inhabitants are spread over 30 settlements along the government main road:
one beautiful road, 80 miles long from the north tip to the south end.

"Long Island is the most beautiful of all the Family Island" so Columbus said.
The Island was originally named Yuma (Indian), rechristened Fernandina by Columbus on his
first visit - October 17, 1492 - when he landed very near Stella Maris at the north end.
A monument overlooking a spectacular view reminders the Columbus arrivel and is to find
just in a few minutes from Stella Maris.

Having prospered once from the growing of cotton and from raising livestock
today Long Islanders have entered into another period of flourishing from
"pot hole farming" – bananas, pineapples, citrus fruit, mangoes, peas,
sweet potatoes and vegetables and from fishing, raising sheep and goats and from tourism.

The Eastern or Atlantic side of the island is blessed with rugged, rocky outcropping,
with some special small beach coves available for a really private getaway.
The long skinny island is only 1 to 3 miles wide for the entire length with calm water
on the west or bank side with miles to walk the long expanded beaches.

Come to Stella Maris, Long Island - the waters are always about 72 to 88 F warm -
with average air temperatures of 78 F from Nov to Feb
and of 82 F to 100 F from March to Oct.

On this pretty island you will find our comfortable apartments
80 ft high overlooking the ocean.

come now..........................................and kick back and enjoy!
